Complete Couples Package
The Complete Couples Package contains the essential tools for any couple to build and maintain a strong and healthy relationship. Each session is approximately 30 minutes. We've combined all the great Marriage 101 resources into one easy to use package. Listed below are the elements of the complete package. Makes a great shower or wedding gift.
Retails for $255, yours for just $169!! (Free shipping applies only to Continental US shipments)
- The Online Course: All eight power-packed sessions from Marriage 101 – Back to the Basics are streamed to you online for 90 days. Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg and Dave Ramsey cover Conflict Resolution, Sexual Intimacy, Money Issues and much more. Set your own pace, access the sessions anytime, anywhere. Retail: $95
- The Couple Check-up: Based on over 30 years of research and experience, the Couple Check-up will harness the power of a relationship assessment program in the privacy of your own home. Gain understanding, increase productive discussion, and take action leading to lasting growth in your relationship. Retail: $30
- The Marriage Kit: The perfect companion to Marriage 101 – Back to the Basics. Six outstanding resources in one package give you a complete tool kit that will be used over and over again in your relationship. For more details on the items in the Marriage Kit please see the description link on the Product page. Retail: $100
- Student Manuals: You will receive one each of the Men’s & Women’s Editions of the workbook. The workbooks are designed to follow the series Marriage 101: Back to the Basics. You will begin the video and answer the fill-in-the-blank questions as you follow along. At the break point, you will have the opportunity to discuss the topics covered. Take this opportunity to write down your responses. After the break you will watch the rest of the video, filling in the blanks as before. At the conclusion of the second half of the teaching session you will find some activities to be completed as a couple. Retail: $30