Marriage 101 addresses 5 pivotal areas of Marriage Ministry
Premarital Coaching:
Statistics show that couples who engage in at least 6 sessions of premarital counseling reduce the chance for divorce by as much as 25%. We take this statistic very seriously. Because of shrinking staffs, counselors find it more and more difficult to adequately coach couples. This series saves time while still providing quality, biblically based teaching.
Marriage Enrichment:
Because each session can stand alone or used in sequence, Marriage 101 can be utilized in nearly any marriage enrichment setting: Sunday mornings or evenings, mid-week, home groups, retreats, etc… Illustrative dramas prelude each teaching segment & provide a reference point from which to learn. Thought provoking discussion questions encourage dialogue between couples.
Online Accessibility:
Occasionally, a couple may be off at school, in the military, or simply have busy schedules. These situations put counselors at a great disadvantage. Marriage 101 is available online so it allows counselors to fulfill their objective of quality counseling without couples having to be in the same place at the same time. The online course also preserves the counselors DVD's from damage and loss by staying with the counselor.
Crisis Marriage Coaching:
Too often couples put off counseling until the situation is critical and they are merely looking for approval to divorce. Marriage 101 provides a preemptive option to potentially save the marriage. Even if they live in separate locations, the online capability allows them to watch the series separately and sets the stage for one-on-one coaching.
Mentor Couples:
Many churches have moved toward the development of mentor couples. This allows counselors/pastors to duplicate and maximize their time. With ever-shrinking staffs, the need for mentor couples is increasing. We provide an additional set of the DVD series in order to give a mentor couple access to the material to dialog with the couple and preserve the master set at the church. The comprehensive leader guide, with coaching tips, assists the mentors with directions for dialog, discussion, and an answer key for the workbooks.